City Council Votes to Include $30k for CCE in Preliminary Budget

On  Tuesday, April 29th, 2014, Mountain View held a study session on the Fiscal Year 2014-15 Narrative Budget Report.  There were several items in the report that had been requested by subcommittees or outside organizations which staff recommended city council discuss and consider adding to the budget.  One of these items was a sum of up to $30K to study the feasibility of CCE.  Council members voted to include this in the preliminary budget.

City Council will approve the final budget in June.

Cities Association prioritizes CCE

On March 13, 2014 Shawn Marshall gave an educational presentation on Community Choice Energy to the Cities Association of Santa Clara County.  Afterwards, the Cities Association board members voted unanimously to make CCE a priority and formed a sub-committee to investigate next steps.  Mountain View's representative in the Cities Association, city council member Margaret Abe-Koga, is on this sub-committee.